Contact Us
Your interest in Captiv8 Aquaculture is sincerely appreciated.
To contact us, please submit your message through the form below.
Please direct all product support questions to us, directly, as opposed to the dealer from whom the product was purchased; generally, we reply to technical inquiries prior to the end of the business day.
If you are contacting us to request samples, then you must provide a complete shipping address. Samples are provided to users on the basis that they agree with our Terms and Conditions and will follow all included instructions.
If you are contacting us to request an interpretation of an ICP analysis, then please be sure to include the following details:
Net system volume;
Alkalinity value at the time of drawing the sample (an approximate value is fine if the actual value is not known);
Dosing regimen of any Isol8 solutions utilized in husbandry of the system during the 30 day period leading up to drawing the sample.
Please note that there is no charge for our performing this service.
30 N Gould St
Suite 4000
Sheridan, WY 82801
Tel. 307 217 6324
lab at captiv8aquaculture.com